In recognition of its five-year anniversary, ADRIFT receives some updates.

First released in 2017, the beautifully crafted ADRIFT has received several minor updates for its fifth anniversary:
- Credit screen has been corrected with current information.
- Additional resources added to include helpline information access outside of the U.S.
- Behind-the-scene changes to support consistent experience across platforms.
- Preparation of Apple Pay integration to allow online donations based on platform.
- Minor text changes to better support, among other things, classroom use.
- Additional soundFX and background music.
- Modified splash screen.
- Changes to tutorial section to match existing mobile platform experience.
- Other minor changes throughout to match existing experience on other platforms.
- Incorporation of game fonts into the game to limit tracking in support of user privacy.
Currently, ADRIFT 1.4.0 is only available via for playing in a web browser.
We are actively working to make this new version available for iOS and Android devices soon. Stay tuned.

Although we have tested this new version we are a very small organization with very limited resources. Please let us know if you encounter any problems.
We are eager to make more changes to ADRIFT based on user feedback. Please share ADRIFT, share your thoughts, and help us help you.
We appreciate the tremendous support and recognition that ADRIFT has received since 2017. We look forward to the future and are excited to explore new ways to engage young people about consent and other important issues.
Visit to play this new version of ADRIFT.
Thank you!
Thank you to Quinn Crossley, Andrew Connell, and everybody else who has worked on this wonderful game! It has been around the world-and-back in the past five years.
ADRIFT has touched many lives in its ongoing journey.
Support this work by donating online: PayPal Apple Pay Or by texting STOPTDV to 707070 Gaming Against Violence is an award-winning program presented by Jennifer Ann's Group, a 501(c)3 charity [EIN: 20-4618499].