Talking about sexual consent with youth can be a sticky topic for many parents because many teenagers or young adults are a bit averse to having any conversation involving sex with their parents! In most cases, teens will actually end up talking to their peers about sex more than they will with any adult. Through interactive games you are encouraging teens to learn about consent in private and at their own pace with the end result that they aren’t trying to awkwardly squirm their way out of a conversation with you!
The game uses dance, instead of sex, to teach about consent in a manner that is appropriate for all ages.

How to Blorrble-Blobble is the perfect game for late elementary and middle school age kids. This game forgoes the more mature elements of abusive relationships while still hitting the nail on the head through an entertaining and informative message.
Consent Taught as a Dance Lesson
How to Blorrble Blobble is an easy to load browser game that just about any computer out there can run. The controls are simple and it’s pretty hard to get them confused. The game plays out as a funky disco themed dance lesson with a strange name. The announcer or teacher for the game comes in because he wants to teach you the newest dance craze, the “Blorrble Blobble.” This perfectly parodies all the hot dance crazes young adults are getting into and opens up a familiar line of communication for the player.

The game goes on by giving the player a short tutorial of clicking a card to perform an action. Afterwards, the announcer will teach the player a pattern to click the cards in. They simply have to remember how to properly ask someone to dance. The program teaches them to always greet and ask permission before trying to dance with a partner. The game teaches you a step of the dance and then asks you to repeat the steps in order, starting from finding a partner on the dance floor and introducing yourself.

The game throws in a few curve balls by having the other dancers say no. At this point, the game explains that it is best to leave and that sometimes someone who is already dancing with you can still change their mind. The game even has a test to see if the player will dance with their partner after they have seen they are intoxicated. At the end of it all, the player will have to go through the whole dance while watching out for signs that the other dancers might be changing their mind about the situation.
Real World Usage of this Consent Game
The game teaches about consent in a very simple and easy to understand way with this overarching theme: Don’t assume someone wants to have sex with you! How to Blorrble-Blobble also makes the important point that even though someone is confident at the beginning stages of intimacy, they may change their mind as things progress to more serious deeds.

The games’ host (Orca!) even explains the fact that intoxicated dancers aren’t able to fully give consent and are just best left alone. Consent is very easy to learn and if the actions in this game are followed and understood you will have a perfect example of how to treat your next partner — or the one you are currently with — during times of intimacy.
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Gaming Against Violence is an award-winning program presented by Jennifer Ann's Group, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity [EIN: 20-4618499].
Play How to Blorrble-Blobble
Developed by: Jared Sain
Produced by: Jennifer Ann's Group
Price: Free
Language: English
Age Rating: Appropriate for all ages
More information about Rispek Danis
► Play How to Blorrble-Blobble in your browser
► Helpful information about consent